Wednesday, June 14, 2006

Vickie Milazzo: Inside Every Woman

Last night, I had the pleasure of interviewing Vickie Milazzo as part of our Midlife Career Change teleseminar series. If you weren't able to join us, here are a few tips that Vickie shared:
  1. Spend at least 5 minutes alone every day. I personally think this should be a minimum of 20 minutes alone daily! Vickie said that no matter where she is in the world, she sets her alarm to get up 30 minutes before her day officially starts so she can have "morning tea time" to think, get connected with herself, and reflect on her day.
  2. Let go of the "feel good" addictions. This would include checking your email before focusing on your highest payoff activities. I am guilty of this myself and have renewed my commitment to working on the important activities (like writing) before replying to all of the emails I receive every day.
  3. Celebrate the small wins. Vickie reminded us that we shouldn't wait for the "big" wins before we stop to celebrate. Every incremental step deserves to be recognized and fuels our motivation. Vickie says that if she has to work all day on a Saturday, she treats herself to a nice meal out on Saturday evening. Make a list of ways to celebrate your small successes!
  4. Solve a problem. When women are looking for a business opportunity, the key to discovering a great idea is to find a solution to a problem that plagues a large number of people. Use your skills and expertise to help others. Find something that's important to you - that's not selfish and that makes you happy - and go for it! Believe in your dream and take action every single day.
  5. Connect with other women. That's right...surround yourself with positive, like-minded women that can help you grow and encourage you to take the next step. Help each other achieve your biggest, most audacious goals!

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