Saturday, June 24, 2006

Symptoms of a Midlife Crisis

A midlife transition begins with small, nagging doubts followed by a series of dramatic, apparently irrational events that eventually lead to big changes.

During it all, women ask themselves questions such as: Is this all there is? Am I a failure? What is my purpose in life? This questioning stage, if not handled appropriately, can send you into a tailspin causing you to make choices you may later regret in a desperate effort to take back control of your life.

Symptoms and behaviors during midlife crisis can range from mild to severe, including:

  • boredom, exhaustion, or frantic energy
  • self-questioning (regrets, what if's)
  • daydreaming (like you're existing in parallel worlds at the same time)
  • irritability, unexpected anger (acting totally out-of-character)
  • acting on alcohol, drug, food, or other compulsions (taking irrational risks)
  • greatly decreased or increased sexual desire (remember being a teenager?)
  • sexual affairs, especially with someone much younger (an attempt to soothe your frail, aging ego by proving that you've still "got it")
  • greatly decreased or increased ambition (either boredom with work that you've always enjoyed or a sudden need to "prove yourself" before it's too late)

It's important as you navigate through this transition period to spend regular time contemplating your life. Accept and share your feelings with other women on a similiar journey. With acceptance, you can allow yourself to grieve losses. Also, by sharing your feelings, you can relieve fears and frustrations - and discover that you're not alone on this journey of growth and change.

Take heart. Coping with a midlife transition takes time and energy, however, it can help you make healthy changes to create greater satisfaction and pleasure in life.

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