Sunday, June 25, 2006

Top 10 Household Challenges

A new survey commissioned by SCOTT Brand papertowels shows 53 percent of Americans are looking for simple, quick and easy solutions to life's everyday challenges. The national survey set out to identify the country's top 10 household challenges. Topping the list? Finding enough space for everyday necessities.

So what are the Top 10 Household Challenges? Here they are:
1. Finding space for all of the things you need (54%)
2. Saving money on everyday items (48%)
3. Finding time to clean/organize (47%)
4. Incorporating exercise into your lifestyle (44%)
5. Keeping track of your spending (41%)
6. Keeping kitchen/bathroom countertops clean and clutter-free (40%)
7. Getting family/household members to keep their space neat and clean (39%)
8. Finding time for yourself (37%)
9. Keeping books/bookcases/shelves/knick-knacks from getting dusty (32%)
10. Working fruits and vegetables into your own/family's diet (30%)

Now through Aug. 15, people can submit a video to Scott demonstrating their solution along with an essay explaining, in 50 words or less, what inspired them to share and discover solutions.

What about you? What is your biggest household challenge?

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