Monday, June 12, 2006

25 Ideas for Trying Something New

Step out of your comfort zone and try something new! What have you wondered about doing in the past, but haven't had the courage to try? Aim for something small that you can accomplish in a single day. Get in the habit of trying something new on a regular basis. Each successful experience will build your confidence and motivate you to try something else!

Here are some ideas to get you started:
  1. Make an appointment to try a new hair color and/or new hair style -- or get extensions!
  2. Visit your local car dealership and test drive the sports car of your dreams.
  3. Schedule a hot air balloon ride for you and a special friend.
  4. Visit a clothing store you don't normally go to and try on clothes that represent the new YOU!
  5. Buy a pair of designer jeans or fun "pointy-toe" shoes.
  6. Try on some bold fashion jewelry that you wouldn't normally wear.
  7. Rent a kayak and spend the day on the river or local lake.
  8. Sign up for dance classes.
  9. Dine at a restaurant alone and fully enjoy the experience.
  10. Park your car and take a bus somewhere -- just for the fun of it!
  11. Take the day off and walk through a botanical garden or art museum.
  12. Visit one of the popular "naked" clay art studios and tap into your artistic self.
  13. Visit your local library and find a book about something that you would normally never read -- biography, historical fiction, or a science book -- expand your horizons!
  14. Start your own blog!
  15. Enter a story, poem, or article in a writing contest or submit it to a local magazine.
  16. Check out classes at a local college or community education class and sign up for something new.
  17. Take a "do-it-yourself" class at Lowe's or Home Depot and learn how to lay ceramic tile, repair a leaky faucet, or give your bathroom a fresh coat of paint.
  18. Go someplace with a friend and sing karaoke!
  19. Go line dancing -- or salsa, or ballroom -- whatever is new, different, and sounds like fun!
  20. Find a local Mary Kay representative in the phone book and schedule a makeover.
  21. Volunteer for a day at a school for special needs children and discover the joy of working with these kids.
  22. Send a letter to the editor about a local issue that is important to you.
  23. Make a point of greeting every sales clerk, delivery person, waiter or waitress, receptionist, and cashier you encounter today by their name and ask how they're doing. A smile goes a long way!
  24. Go fly a kite, ride a bike, go skating, or anything else you haven't done since you were a child. Buy some crayons and color a picture of your dream. There's nothing like big, chunky crayons to bring out the creative spirit of a child in you!
  25. Open a bank account and name it your "dream fund." Set aside a little money from every pay check to use to make your dreams come true.

Whatever it is, dream it and DO IT!! Enjoy!

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