Tuesday, June 27, 2006

Stress Major Contributor to Wrinkles & Weight Gain

Apparently, nagging, unfinished tasks are a major contributor to stress causing wrinkles and weight gain. In other words, my "To Do List" is the culprit behind my sagging skin and cellulite!

So how do we keep from feeling so overwhelmed?

Anyone that knows me well is aware that I'm a raving fan of FlyLady (a.k.a. Marla Cilley, author of Sink Reflections). FlyLady has gone so far as to proclaim every Wednesday as "Anti-Procrastination Day." Personally, I think I will need an entire week, but haven't figured out yet how to get the world to stop long enough so that I can catch up!

Seriously, it's important to set aside regular time each week to face the projects you've been putting off. For me, the tasks that top my list are anything that require me to use technology that I'm unfamiliar with. It's healthy though to recognize your fears and face them head on. Step out of your comfort zone and commit to 15 minutes fully focused on the task you've been putting off. FlyLady says, "You can do anything for 15 minutes!" Chances are that by limiting the amount of time you feel committed to doing the dreaded task, the more likely you will keep on going until the task gets completed.

But what do you do when the backlog is so immense that you don't know where to begin? Break it down into baby steps. Write them down in a logical sequence and then schedule time for each one on your calendar. You'll probably never totally "catch up," but eventually you'll accomplish the important items on your list and either delegate or, if possible, skip the rest of them. Sometimes we're guilty of doing things that are not a priority and feel overwhelmed because we've over scheduled our lives.

Another way to reduce stress is to learn to relax. I think about work most of the time and have trouble "shutting off" that part of my brain. I have to force myself to relax, either by spending time alone (stretching, reading, praying) or spending time with family and friends. But when I do, I invariably enjoy the "downtime" and discover that I'm able to return to my work refreshed and rejuvenated with more mental clarity and an increased level of creativity. Now I have the added benefit of slowing down the aging process as well. Hey, I think it's time for another day off!

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