Monday, April 16, 2007

Midlife Women Not Intersted in Sex?

According to a recent Star Tribune article (Minneapolis), "Midlife can put women's hormones in neutral. The article says that gynecologists hear every day from patients who are in the throes of midlife, "Doctor, I'm just not interested in sex anymore."

Okay, I have to admit that I have not gone through menopause yet, but most of the women I hear from have the sex drive of a teenager! Now granted, they may not be interested in their husband anymore, but they're thinking about sex 24/7.

The article says that a woman's lack of interest in sex is "more about life and love than hormones." seems to me that this over the top need/desire/craving for sex is entirely hormone driven. It's not uncommon, in fact, for women to behave totally out-of-character in developing a crush on someone not even their type.

I do agree with the article, however, that a lot of your intersest in sex can be effected by how satisfying your sexual relationship is...hey, if you're with someone that's not sensitive to your needs, it's not going to be all that great. Maybe that's why so many women seek out the excitement of a new lover...too bad more women can't just reignite the passion in their current relationship.

If you feel "nauseated at the site of your husband's pickup truck in the driveway" (as one patient described), there's more going on than a lack of libido!

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