Saturday, July 01, 2006

Caring For An Aging Parent Doesn't Need To Be A Lonely Road

Almost 3 out of 10 individuals age 45 to 64 with unmarried children under 25 in the home -- some 712,000 men and women – are also caring for a senior, according to a new study. More than 80% of these sandwiched individuals work, causing some to reduce or shift their hours or to lose income. Also, many are incurring extra expenses such as renting medical equipment.

It’s no surprise that women are more likely than men to be sandwiched. On average, women spend 29 hours a month providing care to seniors (more than twice as many as the 13 hours spent by their male counterparts). Men typically provide outside home maintenance and transportation assistance while women are more likely to provide personal care such as bathing, dressing or feeding, and in-home care such as food preparation and clean up.

Are you caught in this “Sandwich Generation?”

Get help! Don’t carry the burden all alone. Ask around – there are resources in your community to give you the break that you deserve. Most importantly, find a support system where you can turn to before resentments, conflicts, and everyday stresses build. You owe it to yourself and your family to take care of yourself.

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