Monday, November 07, 2005

Top 10 Indicators That Your Work Is Invading Your Life

Is your life in balance? Here's a list of warning signs that it might be time to stop and reevaluate the amount of time and attention that you focus on your professional life:
  1. You've missed many of your family's events because of work-related responsibilities.
  2. You have no time for hobbies or outside interests.
  3. You bring your cell phone, laptop, and work projects on vacation with you.
  4. You can't remember the last time you took a day off to relax and do something just for yourself.
  5. You have lost sight of why you chose your job/career because you are so stressed out.
  6. You're getting signals from your husband and/or children that you're spending too much time focused on your work.
  7. You feel as though you never have time to catch your breath before you have to move onto the next project or work-related crisis.
  8. You are putting in a lot of overtime every week and really liking it.
  9. You are feeling distant from your family and friends outside of work.
  10. You spend all your time outside of work with clients and/or co-workers.

If any of these warning signs apply to you, it's time to stop and reevalute your priorities and see if some changes are in order.

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